August 2016; Affiliation: State of Palestine Environment Quality Authority 14 1.1.5 role of the least developed c ountries expert group 14 1.2 building upon napa s in the nap pr ocess: lessons learn ed . UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. National adaptation planning, climate-smart agriculture (CBA), maritime shipping and the ocean-climate nexus were among the topics address by the recent capacity-building initiatives. Strengthening National Capacities to Manage Water Scarcity and Drought Management Plans Page 2 of 13 Figure 1. 5. Strategic outcome 2: State of Palestine institutions have enhanced capacities and systems to identify . Versions. Adaptation nder Occupation Climate Change ulnerability in the Occupied Palestinian Territory AL-HAQ AL-HAQ 6 7 Table of Abbreviations CESCR Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights EQA Environment Quality Authority FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ICA Israeli Civil Administration ICCPR International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Plan, national development targets and SDGs. An independent reporter based in Kenya and reporting across Africa. Once you send a request, the writing process begins. Muslims, People Of Goodwill Asked To Pray For Palestine. The UAE participated in the meeting of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Political and National Security, held in Amman, Jordan, as part of the meetings of the permanent and subsidiary committees of the Arab Parliament, and its second session of the second session of the third legislative term, scheduled to be held today, Thursday, at the headquarters of the Jordanian Parliament. Modelling and analysis to assess the performance of the infrastructure system in relation to pre-defined performance targets set in alignment with global agendas such as the Sustainable Development Goals and national contributions under the Paris Agreement. Keywords. The future of climate action in the South Mediterranean region: Lessons learned since the Paris Agreement. Developing the State of Palestine's NDC Partnership Plan and NDC Investment Plan. National Adaptation Plan (NAP) became the sixth country to have submitted their NAP to UNFCCC on November 11th, 2016. Chapter 1 presents the State of Palestine's national circumstances. While these efforts are much needed, they are neither rapid nor comprehensive enough to offset the effects of . The State of Palestine's anthropogenic (human-induced) GHG emissions have been estimated for the year 2011. highlighting the impact of climate change on different sectors aiming at developing the National Action Plan for Adaptation. National Adaptation Plan of the State of Palestine. Our service has 2000+ qualified writers ready to work on your essay immediately. Proposed Adaptation Measures 65 5.1 National proactive adaptation to climate change 65 5.2 Identification of adaptation measures 66 5.3 Prioritisation of adaptation measures 69 5.4 Climate change adaptation in strategic national planning 71 5.5 Inclusion in development assistance frameworks 74 6. Abstract. Rolex Replica Watches continues certified from the regular qualifications, this is the best website to buy fake Rolex watches. members of the National Disaster Risk Management Platform and the National Committee for Climate Change Adaptation. Though less common, some of the NAP documents submitted to the UNFCCC identify conflict as a significant source of climate vulnerability that limits available adaptation options. Most of the work has been facilitated by Ricardo. It should be clear that the local communities and national governments . Building upon the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Program of Action, the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to Climate Change from 2016 has identified a range of adaptation options for Palestine and a further analysis has prioritized highly vulnerable' issues. Development of Tuvalu's National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to advance medium and long-term adaptation planning SPREP: Approved readiness proposal : 30 Jan 2021: Technical Guidance and Support to Conduct a Sectoral Technology Needs Assessment and a Technology Action Plan for The Kyrgyz Republic UNEP: Approved readiness proposal : 29 Jan 2021 Palestine National Adaptation Plan Date submitted 11 November 2016 Responsible Agency/Department Environment Quality Authority (EQA), State of Palestine International Partners: UNDP Key vulnerabilities addressed Water and food security have previously been identified as the most vulnerable issues in the State of Palestine with knock-on . UNESCO's programmes contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined in Agenda 2030, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015. SDG Sustainable Development Goal. The resolution recommended the creation of independent Arab and Jewish States and a Special International Regime for the city of Jerusalem. English. Topographic Map of Jordan and Palestine (Source: Wikimedia Commons) Geographically, Jordan and the State of Palestine share similar ecosystems that are subject to the challenges of climate mitigation and adaptation. Palestinian Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Sep 10, 2013 The occupied Palestinian territory, as part of the Eastern Mediterranean, is subject to many serious changes in annual rainfall, mean temperature, extreme weather events and sea level rise as stated in the fourth assessment report by IPCC. UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change State of Palestine well recognizes the GCF as a window of hope and support and started targeting national stakeholders to raise their capacities in that regard. It brings together volunteers and organisations from different countries, providing practical support to humanitarian aid projects and contributing to strengthening the local capacity and resilience of disaster-affected communities. The period between joining the UNFCCC and submitting the INCR and NAP is less than eight Footer menu. The targets contained in these plans replace the conditional actions contained in the First NDCs for those sectors. As arid and semi- GAP Gender Action Plan. On 17 March 2016, the State of Palestine officially became the 197 th party to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the President signed and ratified the Paris Agreement just one month later, on 22 April. Palestine's climate action planning. LEG Least Developed Countries Expert Group. In these documents, pre-existing conflicts must be . Nepal's Minister of Population and Environment Jaya Dev Joshi and Officiating Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee on Environment Protection Man B Bishwokarma jointly launched three reports prepared as part of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) formulation process in Nepal at an event . FCCC/SBI/2018/INF.13, Progress in the Process to Formulate and Implement National Adaptation Plans. Despite Israel's systematic destruction of Palestinian environment, Palestine pursues measures to support climate change adaptation in line with its National Development Plan," Shtayyeh wrote on Twitter ahead of his address. However, the State of Palestine has gone beyond the requirements of the National Communication to produce a GHG inventory (GHGI) for a single year and has created a GHGI with a time-series from 2006-2013. UNFCCC Technical Guidelines for National Adaptation Plans Out of 153 developing countries 91 have initiated the . All of these ministries will also develop implementation plans for the NAP. M&E Monitoring and Evaluation. official, is the highest ranking executive DRM official in Palestine. . Issues in National Adaptation Plans We live in an urban world: more than 55 per cent of the world population lives in urban areas today; this likely grow to 68 per cent by 2050. ICRW International Centre for Research on Women. "The PA developed a National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy in 2011. It seeks to build peace through international cooperation in education, the sciences, culture and communication. The main working group for the NAP is composed of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, the Danish Ministry of Defence, the Danish Ministry of Justice (the Danish National Police). Environment Quality Authority Initial National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2016). The State of Palestine submitted its Initial National Communication (INCR). National programme design, support, and harmonisation of funding. very important vehicle for the implementation of national climate action plan and instrumental to achieve the targets of UNFCCC and Paris Agreement for Climate Change. player in tackling and responding to climate change. Climate change mitigation and adaptation Between 2005-2010, Morocco devoted some 64% of its national climate finance expenditure to adaptation, equivalent to 9% of total capital expenditure. The National Adaptation Plan 1. • Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Programme of Action for the Palestinian Authority (2010) • Other related sectoral policies include: National Agriculture Sector Strategy "Resilience and Development" 2014-2016 (2014), National Water and Wastewater Strategy for Palestine (2013), National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for . The State of Palestine submitted the instrument of accession to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change . State of Palestine. Developing the State of Palestine's NAP. Corporate Author. Neha Wadekar. Arab climate change assessment report - main report. In addition, the State of Palestine also recently developed its National Adaptation Plan (NAP)2,in accordance with the UNFCCC's Consultative Group of Experts guidelines for least developed countries, and on November 11th 2016 became the sixth country to have submitted their NAP to the UNFCCC. The country is committed to the development of its National Adaptation Plan to Climate Change, aimed at better coordinating the plan's actions and . Environment Quality Authority Initial National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2016). Reports. It will further look . Concept note and financial sustainability action plan for adaptation priorities of the water sector.The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) will be the delivery partner. Decision 9/CP.18, UNFCCC. National Adaptation Plan of Action (NAPA, 2007). In 2011, the PA's Environment Quality Authority developed a "National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy" with support from the UNDP, the London School of Economics, and other PA agencies, with an updated version - the NAP - published in 2016. Ricardo NAP toolkit and Palestinian National Adaptation Plan to Climate Change (NAP) The session will take the participants through the technical guidance for NAPs, including: NAP guidelines, guiding principles for adaptation under the Convention, and subsequent products developed by the LEG such as the sample NAP process. Read more Case study 13. The adaptation component of the NDC describes 12 sectors identified as 'highly vulnerable' from the National Adaptation Plan (NAP), and notes that the Israeli occupation substantially reduces the State of Palestine's adaptive capacities thereby compounding climate vulnerabilities. Despite facing many challenges, Palestine has been among those countries at the forefront of climate action planning since the lead up to COP21 in Paris. Serving as a laboratory of ideas, UNESCO helps . However, it might take 5-15 minutes to match the From Pablo To Osama: Trafficking And Terrorist Networks, Government Bureaucracies, And Competitive Adaptation|Michael Kenney requirements with the best available subject professional. Ethiopia's National Adaptation Plan and Climate Resilient Green Economy. climate change adaptation, water resources management, poverty reduction and economic development. Document Type. The EU Aid Volunteers is an initiative of the European Union. The strategy has identified the agricultural and the water sectors as the most sensitive to present and future climate hazards, leading to a strategic focus of adaptation measures on water and food insecurity. See also Rami Isaac, C. Michael Hall, and Freya Higgins-Desbiolles . 10/12/2021. It also must set out indicative tasks of the current and future work to tackle the adaptation agenda and to propose National adaptation plans (NAP) State of Palestine. The Sustainable Consumption and Production National Action Plan (SCP-NAP) for Palestine is one of the main outputs of the SwitchMed program that had been executed in the Mediterranean region with UN Environment support. Environment Quality Authority Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Programme of Action for the Palestinian Authority (2010). Palestine was among the first 15 countries in the world, and the first in the MENA region, to do so. It overcame this challenge by involving stakeholders in a systematic and comprehensive vulnerability assessment and adaptation appraisal. importantly, it must set out a series of actions at the national level to assist local authorities in the formation and implementation of sustainable energy policies and actions. The total estimated cost of the State of Palestine's adaptation actions included in the National Adaptation Plan for all sectors amounts to US$ 3.544 billion. The guide highlights the crucial role of scaling up climate action by integrating human settlements into national adaptation planning and processes. The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process presents one such opportunity for this to happen. ready NDC implementation action plans for six of the 12 most vulnerable sectors in Palestine, as identified in the National Adaptation Plan (NAP): agriculture, energy, health, transport, waste, and water.
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